3waters - Asset theft or GST grab?

I and the Napier City Council have opposed the style and nature of the proposed/imposed 3waters reform from the outset.

Hawke's Bay took a collective proactive stand from the very beginning, consultants Morrison Low evaluated the state and opportunity in each of the four districts.  Identifying the cost of levels of service and sustainable future management of assets and improvements to networks in Hawke's Bay.

In the following Long Term Plan 2021-2031 development:
- each local authority increased their annual budget commitment into the future
- local authorities now understand the cost of delivering 3waters in their districts

These reforms will not just impact on urban water networks, large private and rural schemes may become part of the new centralised entities.  Regardless every water supplier will be incorporated and need to meet new water supply regulations, this will involve reporting and compliance.  

This new regulatory environment will grow into a new bureaucracy and we all know what feeds a bureaucracy the ability to send a bill for all these new fancy compliance, monitoring and assessment processes. In the rural context these are costs that previously did not exist.  Every new billing system and every future imposed bureaucratic cost will add to governments GST take.  

So is the 3waters reform about better water quality or the governments ability to find new ways to find and tap (pun intended) into new income streams and increase the GST income?

I'll say it as I see it, your view may differ and that is ok, so lets be respectful throughout this process.

So lets be nice about it. 

Regards and best wishes 

Nigel Simpson , Candidate for Mayor Napier City Council Elections 2022 

#IfYouCare #NapierIfYouCare #TheThingsYouDontKnowYouDontKnow #Transparancy

This blog is approved by Nigel Simpson, Napier New Zealand - website -  simpson-for-napier.co  




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