Surprise, there will be an election in October!
there will be an election in October! Media Release #2
Mayoral candidate, Nigel Simpson, encourages nominations for ward seats.
Democracy is all about representation and the best way to have your opinion and
your suburbs needs met is to actually have a seat at the table. ‘It’s
time to put apathy aside and take action’ he said, going on to add ‘don’t leave
it up to people that don’t live in your area to talk on your behalf’.
Look at the success in Flaxmere with Henare O'Keefe and Peleti Oli working for
their community, this could be replicated in Napier.
Electoral Commission’s distribution of enrolment forms may have been the first
indication for some residents that there is an election this
year. In October Local Government elections take place with
residents having the opportunity to elect a Mayor and Council. With
the election fast approaching and some hoardings already up it’s not too
late. Candidate nominations don’t close until 12 August so there’s
still plenty of time to get nominated and run a campaign.
Simpson, Mayoral candidate and City Councillor says ‘the coming election is the
opportunity of a lifetime for new Councillors. The proposed reforms of local
government present a fantastic opportunity for visionary residents to occupy
the seats that will shape the role and direction of Napier City Council into
the future.’
that are unhappy with progress on key issues or the lack of delivery of
previous promises have an opportunity to be nominated and stand for
election. Rather than sit on the side-line, step up and be counted.
an advocate for ward electorates, says ‘it would be fantastic for our city if
candidates from every suburb were standing for their ward. Representation
is key and the best representatives for an area are the people that live in
that area’.
‘As the
only rural Councillor and a Taradale resident I bring a different view of the
city to the table and It would be fantastic if residents in Bay View, or
Maraenui or Meeanee were actually elected and at the table too’ he said.
three years residents get the opportunity to confirm their view on whether
their Council has achieved the expected or promised outcomes. If
there is low satisfaction but only the same people are nominated nothing will
change. For change to happen new candidates need to step up,
complete a nomination form before 12 August and start door knocking. If you
have an interest in your community, perhaps you have been on a school board of
trustees or a sports club committee that could be your platform and the pathway
to a seat at the council table.
immediate release and circulation
Best wishes and
thank you
Nigel Simpson MBA MInstD
Councillor and MAYORAL Candidate Napier election 2022
Facebook Simpson for Napier
This Message is
Authorised by Nigel Simpson, Taradale, Napier 4183,
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