Why do competent staff use consultants at a prolific rate?

Do external consultants provide greater experience and insight than employed staff?

In some specific subject matter areas they (external consultants) do provide expertise that isn't present within an organisations staffing.  It is not possible for every organisation, without incredible overhead costs, to retain all the skill, competency and capability that the organisation need to deliver unless the organisation has a very narrow and very specific purpose and income stream..

External consultants can provide, in some cases, greater observational experience and an external eye over internal processes. 

So why do staff in certain employment environments rely so heavily on external consultants to review or report on reasonably simple or core business activities when an organisation retains suitably qualified staff?  Trust!  Staff (even senior managers) that work in low trust environments will use consultants to explain the obvious to protect themselves or their views from their governance body! Why would they need to do this?  Some governance bodies, particularly popularly elected governance bodies end up with governance members that really shouldn't be there!  These individuals are more likely to create unsafe environments where Governors fail to understand the separation between governance and operation and the interference begins.

Governance is about Strategy not Operations, Management is about implementation and action. 

I'll say it as I see it, your view may differ and that is ok, so lets be respectful throughout this process.

So lets be nice about it. 

Regards and best wishes 

Nigel Simpson , Candidate for Mayor Napier City Council Elections 2022 

#IfYouCare #NapierIfYouCare #TheThingsYouDontKnowYouDontKnow #Transparancy

This blog is approved by Nigel Simpson, Napier New Zealand - website -  simpson-for-napier.co  



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